The "Game of life" example demonstrates interoperability of Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) and Microsoft* .NET*.

This program runs 2 simultaneous instances of the classic Conway's "Game of Life". One of these instances uses serial calculations to update the board. The other one calculates in parallel with Intel TBB. The visualization is written in managed C++ and uses .NET CLR.

System Requirements

For the most up to date system requirements, see the release notes.

Form1.h, Board.h
Header files for GUI classes.
Evolution.h, Evolution.cpp
Contain class hierarchy to implement game evolution in serial and parallel.
Implements 2 approaches for calculating steps in the program: with the use of SSE intrinsics, and ordinary C++ code.
Contains program entry point and other source not related to logical structure of the example.
Makefile for building the example.
Contains source files mentioned above.
Contains Microsoft* Visual Studio* workspace for building and running the example (Windows* systems only).
Contains Xcode* IDE workspace for building and running the example (macOS* systems only).

For information about the minimum supported version of IDE, see release notes.

Build instructions

General build directions can be found here.

Up to parent directory
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