This demonstrates calling a Fortran DLL from an Excel macro. The provided xltest.xls spreadsheet (located in the .\src directory) defines a macro that calls the FortranCall function when the button is pushed.

System Requirements:

This sample requires the 32bit version of Microsoft Excel* as it is not currently supported with 64bit Excel

Build Instructions:

For Visual Studio IDE users:
  1. Open Visual Studio and load the solution .sln file
  2. Clean the solution from menu Build > Clean Solution
  3. Build the project from menu Build > Build Solution
  4. After build complete, the Post build event copies the FCALL.dll from the build directory to C:\TEMP
  5. To run the program, open the .\src\xltest.xls spreadsheet by double-clicking on it, enabling macros, then click the button.

For Command line users:
  1. Open the Intel Visual Fortran Build Environment window from Start menu and navigate to the sample folder
  2. Use following commands to build and test:
    1. Clean the build folder use: build.bat clean
    2. To build a release version: build.bat release
    3. To build a debug version: build.bat debug
    4. To run the program: build.bat run
      this command copies the FCALL.dll to the C:\TEMP folder and copies file .\src\xltest.xls to current ".\" first, and then opens the .\xltest.xls
Important Run Notes: