The WHIZZY sample demonstrates using the Intel® Visual Fortran dialog support to add a dialog box, containing various control types, to a Fortran application. The application is structured as a Fortran "Windowing Application", with a WinMain entry point and a message loop. In addition to the types of controls, the application also demonstrates using resource files for multiple languages and the ability to disable or duplicate a dialog box.

For more information about using dialog boxes, see Using Intel Visual Fortran to Create and Build Windows-Based Applications

A Visual Studio solution to build the application is provided in the Msvs folder. A command-line build script build.bat is also provided.

If you have trouble building this project, make sure that the following folders, or their equivalents, are listed under Tools > Options > Intel Compilers and Tools > Visual Fortran> Compilers> Includes:

If on running the program you see an error that "IFDLGnnn is not registered":